
8 Product Marketing Examples and Their Use Cases

What's this blog post about?

Product-led growth is a popular approach in the SaaS industry, where companies focus on creating contextual, relevant prompts within their products to drive user engagement and conversions. This article explores various use cases for in-product marketing, including User Onboarding Tour, Feature Announcement, Feature Gate, Feature Adoption Tooltip, Redesign Announcement, Onboarding Checklist, Trial Upgrade Banner, and Taxonomy Tooltip. These examples demonstrate how top SaaS companies effectively communicate with their users to promote features, educate them on product concepts, and encourage upgrades. The article also highlights the benefits of using checklists and tooltips in user onboarding and offers a free mini-course for more inspiration on building better in-product marketing strategies.


Date published
March 4, 2019

Benjamin Brandall

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.