
Everything You Need to Know About User Onboarding UX

What's this blog post about?

User onboarding UX is the first experience a new user goes through when they start using your product. It plays a crucial role in retaining customers or converting them from a free trial to a paid plan. Good onboarding UX can lead to higher user retention rates, lower churn rates, higher conversion rates, and increased engagement rates. Common onboarding patterns include welcome messages, product tours, progress bars, onboarding checklists, onboarding surveys, banners, tooltips, and self-serve help menus. There are also 12 best practices for creating an outstanding user onboarding experience, such as building a relationship with new users, personalizing the onboarding UX, keeping your user onboarding optional, blending your user onboarding UX within the product, and more.


Date published
Sept. 16, 2021

Ray Slater Berry

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.