
Making Freemium Models Work

What's this blog post about?

The freemium model is a user acquisition strategy that offers both free and premium tiers. It allows users to sample the value of a product before nudging them towards an "aha moment" where they understand why the product is great, encouraging them to upgrade to a paid version. Freemium models can be effective for getting new customers, but not every business should adopt this strategy. Companies with high-value products, easy-to-use tools, sticky features, and solid retention rates are more likely to succeed with freemium. Key factors in creating an effective freemium model include offering "aha moments" and sticky parts of the product for free, as well as implementing growth loops and well-timed nurturing campaigns.


Date published
Oct. 22, 2020

Kirsty Finlayson

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.