
In-App Tutorials: Making Users Fall in Love with Your Product

What's this blog post about?

In-app tutorials are interactive walkthroughs of what users need to know when they first use a product. They help users reach an "aha!" moment, uncover their job-to-be-done, and often encourage self-serve onboarding. There are three common types of in-app walkthroughs: customer success-led walkthroughs, automated product tours, and tooltips. Out-of-app tutorials include email messages, webinars, and video tutorials. To choose the right type of tutorial for a product, consider resources, onboarding goals, and user preferences. Key elements to pay attention to in designing in-app tutorials are modal backdrops, clear CTAs, staying on-brand with design, managing user expectations, and allowing users to opt-out. To keep users engaged throughout their onboarding journey, highlight a user's job-to-be-done, build knowledge with tooltips, shift strategies based on NPS scores, speak to customers for feedback, and continuously optimize the onboarding process.


Date published
Oct. 15, 2021

Ray Slater Berry

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.