
What In-App Notifications are and Why You Should Use Them

What's this blog post about?

In-app notifications are UI patterns used to communicate key information with users while they interact with a product. They can enhance user experience, allow for testing and optimizing flows, push forward freemium conversions, and retain users, improving LTV. There are different types of in-app notifications such as tooltips, modals, banners, slideouts, product tours, product updates, and microsurveys. To effectively use in-app notifications, it's important to follow best practices like greeting and educating new users, segmenting different audiences, being specific but not over-communicating, always providing value, encouraging users with a CTA, gathering user feedback whenever possible, keeping messages relevant to the user's behavior, and making it easy for users to exit.


Date published
March 12, 2021

Paula Becchetti

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.