EdgeDB YouTube subscribers count by month

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2023 4410 - -
July 2023 4450 (+1%) 28 209389
August 2023 4510 (+1%) 30 215042
September 2023 4570 (+1%) 30 220254
October 2023 4620 (+1%) 30 225780
November 2023 4690 (+2%) 32 233423
December 2023 4730 (+1%) 32 238182
January 2024 4800 (+1%) 32 243058
February 2024 4830 (+1%) 33 248778
March 2024 4860 (+1%) 33 253994
April 2024 4920 (+1%) 33 259145
May 2024 5030 (+2%) 35 265278
June 2024 5060 (+1%) 35 269052
July 2024 5080 (+0%) 35 271541

EdgeDB videos published by month

month published title ID
Apr. 2020 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #1 - The Async Ecosystem Xbl7XjFYsN4
Apr. 2020 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #2 - The Event Loop E7Yn5biBZ58
May. 2020 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #3 - Using Coroutines -CzqsgaXUM8
Jun. 2020 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #4 - Coroutines Under The Hood 1LTHbmed3D4
Aug. 2020 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #5 - Batteries Included SyiTd4rLb2s
Mar. 2021 import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO #6 - An Example Web Application with Starlette and EdgeDB dnjm-sx7b8k
Feb. 2022 EdgeDB Day — Launching 1.0 [FULL] WRZ3o-NsU_4
Mar. 2022 EdgeDB 1.0 Launch — Director's Cut 0QEliuNU2fI
Mar. 2022 [Keynote] The post-SQL era — Yury Selivanov | EdgeDB Day pEnA9oxgYT0
Mar. 2022 EdgeQL: The big ideas — Elvis Pranskevichus | EdgeDB Day Z0D24lZttvg
Mar. 2022 EdgeQL: A primer — Victor Petrovykh | EdgeDB Day W6oQXK9cckk
Mar. 2022 The architecture of EdgeDB — Fantix King | EdgeDB Day vSXrB0TmUkE
Mar. 2022 A farewell to ORMs — Colin McDonnell | EdgeDB Day 6LqbBF0KAXE
Mar. 2022 Compiling EdgeQL — Michael Sullivan, Ph.D. | EdgeDB Day 46z3CJaO2-Y
Mar. 2022 The future of EdgeDB (2022) — Yury Selivanov | EdgeDB Day 31k2AoqxWX0
Jul. 2022 EdgeDB 2.0 Launch 1jloGHV31Ow
Jan. 2023 🛠️ Build a Next.js blog backed by EdgeDB G17Xc8cnSI0
Jan. 2023 👷 Let's make our EdgeDB/Next.js blog end-to-end type safe with the TypeScript query builder! Dsap-vsavKw
Jan. 2023 FastAPI + EdgeDB for a type-safe 👷 Python API 🐍 OZ_UURzDkow
Jun. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 Launch Event 🚀 bqD5CThzmw4
Jun. 2023 To watch the event, use the link in the description 👇 VUnLLlXpacQ
Jun. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 Splats- The quick and easy way to explore your EdgeDB data in the REPL 9-I1qjIp3KI
Jun. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 Query Performance Analysis- Making it way easier for you to make your queries faster WoHJu0nq5z0
Jun. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 UI- Explore your data and craft the perfect queries from the comfort of your web browser iwnP_6tkKgc
Jun. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 Watch and Dev Workflow- Iterate on your database schema quickly and easily _IUSPBm2xEA
Jul. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 SQL Support- Ditch SQL but keep the ecosystem 0KdY2MPb2oc
Jul. 2023 EdgeDB 3.0 Mutation Rewrites & Triggers- Audit logs, cached computeds, super constraints, and more! ImgMfb_jCJQ
Jul. 2023 EdgeDB Office Hours for Friday, July 7th, 2023 zwlA0T9DPLg
Jul. 2023 EdgeDB Office Hours for Friday, July 21st, 2023 0qCBsPPFBDA
Aug. 2023 EdgeDB Office Hours for Friday, August 18th, 2023 Y7CsTpA2LYM
Aug. 2023 EdgeDB Office Hours for Friday, August 4th, 2023 4l73gYg33Ks
Nov. 2023 Developer Day: EdgeDB Cloud ⛅️ & EdgeDB 4.0 4️⃣ Launch r--YN_6a76g
Nov. 2023 EdgeDB Office Hours, Friday, November 10th, 2023 ft. a demo of the Learn Anything knowledgebase! 🧠 WdCSkMwa1UE
Feb. 2024 EdgeDB Office Hours, Friday, February 16th, 2023 ft. a demo of a personal database powered by EdgeDB oGFahpuRquc

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.