

Apache Kafka hosting and tooling.

Confluent was founded in 2014 and is publicly traded on the NASDAQ as CFLT.

Competes in the Data pipeline tools, Data connectors and Real-time data infrastructure spaces.

External links: homepage | docs | blog | jobs | youtube | twitter | github | linkedin

Website content structure


9741 total pages found in parsing sitemaps and scraping the Confluent website. Data last updated June 30, 2024.

Chart label Pages % of total Expanded description of pages in this category
Blog posts 0 0.0% Blog posts and articles with a specific publication date
Docs & support 7856 80.6% Developer documentation, API references and glossary pages
Products & use cases 0 0.0% Product, pricing and use cases (but not customer stories)
Demos, videos & examples 0 0.0% Interactive demos, videos, podcasts, templates and app examples
Customers & partners 0 0.0% Customer stories, events, partners and location-specific resources
Press, legal & about 0 0.0% Press, legal, privacy, careers and pages about the company
Localized pages 0 0.0% Internationalized pages translated from the primary company language
Miscellaneous pages 1885 19.4% Pages not yet categorized or not intended for the customer

Confluent monthly YouTube metrics

month subscriber count videos count views count
June 2023 51300 - -
July 2023 52500 708 6322584
August 2023 53600 719 6183327
September 2023 54600 731 6358630
October 2023 55700 740 8551925
November 2023 56600 832 8727816
December 2023 57600 837 8886381
January 2024 58600 839 9054153
February 2024 62800 847 9326664
March 2024 64800 858 9564317
April 2024 66700 862 9779799
May 2024 70900 868 10096193
June 2024 72900 877 10329387
July 2024 73800 879 10454321

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.