
ArXiv Scientific Papers Vector Similarity Search with Milvus 2.1

What's this blog post about?

In this post, the author demonstrates how to build a semantic similarity search engine for scientific papers using open-source tools like ArXiv, Dask, sentence-transformers, and Milvus vector database. The process involves setting up an environment, downloading the arXiv dataset from Kaggle, loading data into Python using Dask, implementing a scientific paper semantic similarity search application using Milvus vector database, and running queries to find similar papers. This approach can be used as a template for building any NLP semantic similarity search engine, not just scientific papers. The author also provides an overview of the SPECTRE model, which is used to convert texts into embeddings.


Date published
Aug. 9, 2022

Marie Stephen Leo

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.