
The Veza Voice – May Issue

What's this blog post about?

In this monthly customer email, Veza introduces powerful new Identity Analytics with user analysis, group analysis, and role analysis capabilities to help IAM teams understand complex RBAC permissions. Additionally, new policy analysis for separation of duties requirements is introduced, allowing security teams to compare the results of multiple complex queries and link identities directly to their permissions to sensitive data. Furthermore, Salesforce posture and misconfigurations insights are provided, along with updates on Veza's integrations with NetSuite, AWS EKS, Workato, OneLogin, Azure AD, and Active Directory. Custom dashboards for tracking trends in access security and privileged access are also highlighted. Finally, upcoming events at Identiverse, AWS re:Inforce, and Snowflake Summit are mentioned, along with a featured webinar on safely deprovisioning access when employees depart.


Date published
May 31, 2023

Dr. Maohua Lu

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.