
Atlas Data Federation과 Online Archive, 이제 Azure에서 배포 가능

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Microsoft Azure users can now benefit from innovative advancements in data management. Atlas Data Federation is now officially available on Azure, allowing direct deployment and querying of data from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Additionally, the official version of Atlas Online Archive has been released on Azure, marking a new era for efficient archiving solutions based on Azure. Both updates significantly enhance Azure's data management capabilities. Atlas Data Federation enables users to execute queries seamlessly across multiple Atlas databases and cloud object storage solutions, including Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. It also supports advanced aggregation functions and direct $out support for Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Atlas Online Archive integrates data archiving with Azure's ecosystem, ensuring efficient cloud storage utilization and the preservation of archive data within Azure. The integration resolves previous limitations that required setting up storage in AWS for clusters hosted on Azure.


Date published
Feb. 29, 2024

Karthic Subramanian, Sabina Friden

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.