
Terraform 1.8 provider functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes

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HashiCorp has announced the general availability of provider-defined functions in its AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes providers with the release of Terraform 1.8. These custom functions allow users to extend the capabilities of Terraform by building custom functions within providers. The new feature is a significant step forward in HashiCorp's unique approach to ecosystem extensibility. Provider-defined functions can perform various tasks, such as parsing and building Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), simplifying Terraform configurations where ARN manipulation is required. Additionally, the Google Cloud provider includes new functions for obtaining regions, zones, names, and projects from resource IDs, while the Kubernetes provider offers encoding and decoding of Kubernetes manifests into Terraform.


Date published
April 10, 2024

Bruno Schaatsbergen

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.