
We Raised A Bunch Of Money

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In July 2021, Fly.io raised $25MM from A16Z and existing investors like Intel Capital and Dell. They recently secured an additional $70MM led by EQT Ventures. The company aims to make edge deployment easy for all types of applications, not just "edgy" ones. Fly.io believes that most apps want to be edgy if it's easy, but with ordinary tooling, getting an app running in multiple cities at the same time isn't a two-hour problem. The company is building a platform and toolchain to enable developers to build applications that run fast globally. They have already launched Fly Machines, which makes spinning up a VM as straightforward as calling a function. Fly.io plans to invest in hardware fleets, support and reliability, advanced storage, security capabilities, and new kinds of hardware. The company's goal is to provide a platform that developers can use without reading the manual or getting professionally certified, with features generally a command or two in flyctl, working for any app that can be packaged in a container.


Date published
June 27, 2023

Kurt Mackey

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.