
New VMs: More RAM, Extra CPU, and a Dollar menu

What's this blog post about?

Fly.io offers a range of VMs for developers to run their container apps close to users. The new VMs come in two flavors: shared-cpu with up to 2GB RAM and dedicated-cpu with up to 64GB RAM. Pricing varies depending on the VM type, CPU(s), and RAM. Fly.io aims for a 70% margin on VMs while minimizing operational headaches. They fund new hardware with revenue from large customers and offer shared CPU VMs to fill in gaps at lower prices. These VMs are suitable for bursty apps and have favorable pricing results. However, running databases on ephemeral VMs is not ideal, as they require persistent storage.


Date published
Dec. 10, 2020

Kurt Mackey

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.