
Free Postgres Databases

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Postgres on Fly.io now offers free storage for small projects, making it an attractive option for side projects. The company has been offering a free tier since its launch in 2020, covering CPU time, RAM, and bandwidth but not storage. With the addition of 3GB of persistent volume space to their free offering, users can now set up a Postgres database for their side-project needs. Fly.io's "Production" deployments feature high availability with data redundancy, while scaling a "Development" node seamlessly creates a leader-replica cluster. Although a credit card is required for free services, it helps prevent misuse and protect the platform from potential chaos caused by unlimited access to hosting resources.


Date published
Jan. 20, 2022

Kurt Mackey, Chris Nicoll

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.