
Generative AI Weirdness Comes to the Internet

What's this blog post about?

The rise of Generative AI has led to an explosion of creative, often bizarre projects on the internet. These projects range from using hallucinations of language models like ChatGPT to create cursed images and videos, to jailbreaking chatbots on Reddit forums. One notable project is Stochastic Parrot, a bot that uses empty prompts to generate media through GPT-4, Dall-E, and ElevenLabs API. Another interesting creation is the podcast Myself, I Am and That, where AI clones of a sound engineer have conversations about life. Additionally, websites like This Person Does Not Exist use GANs to create hyper-realistic portraits of nonexistent people. While many of these projects are self-funded or run by one person, they offer a glimpse into the potential and strange possibilities of Generative AI.


Date published
July 13, 2023

Tife Sanusi

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.