
Beware of the Mango Mezcalitos: Lessons From Deepgramā€™s Cabo Off-Site

What's this blog post about?

Deepgram, a remote-first company that grew by 9x during the pandemic, organized a week-long offsite in Cabo with three main goals: working together face-to-face, solidifying the shared understanding of the company's vision and goals, and enjoying each other's company. The event included team-based activities like "Dine-around Dinners," educational sessions, and karaoke night. Deepgrammers reported increased sense of belonging (94%), more clarity in the company's vision, mission, and strategy (92%), and greater confidence in leadership (81%). The offsite allowed employees to connect with each other, build a sense of belonging, and collaborate effectively.


Date published
April 26, 2023

Jordan Krugman

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.