
The Best 8 Deepgram Projects from Hack Cambridge

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The Best 8 Deepgram Projects from Hack Cambridge involved innovative use of speech-to-text technology in various applications. These projects included AutoBubble, which added captions as speech bubbles to YouTube videos; Stëmm, a voice control system for Google Chrome; yack!, a tool that creates comic books from videos with transcribed audio; TomScottPlus, an overlay tool providing contextual information on YouTube videos; Triolingo's chatbot for practicing foreign language skills; ARTiculate, a drawing tool using voice commands; Airnote, a collaborative augmented reality note-taking system; and Spelling Hero, a spelling bee practice tool.


Date published
May 11, 2022

Chris Doty

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.