
Simplify customer support with Datadog’s integrations for Zendesk

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Zendesk is an integrated solution that helps support teams manage customer inquiries and feedback. However, as organizations grow, managing the increasing number of support tickets becomes challenging. Datadog's Zendesk integrations provide a detailed view of customer experience through high-level overviews and granular visibility into customers' sessions within applications. The primary integration allows for tracking customer experience as an organization scales and automatically creates Zendesk tickets based on telemetry data. Additionally, the new integration with Datadog RUM Session Replay enables precise troubleshooting of customer issues by allowing support teams to replicate users' navigation in their apps. Overall, these integrations help organizations improve customer satisfaction and reliability by tracking key metrics and quickly addressing reported issues.


Date published
Jan. 5, 2024

Abril Loya McCloud, Aaron Kaplan

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.