
Monitor Amazon RDS Proxy with Datadog

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Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) has been widely used by companies to manage and scale databases for web and mobile applications. However, high-scale applications with thousands of clients can consume significant resources when maintaining direct connections between the database and application. To address this issue, AWS introduced RDS Proxy as an intermediary between the application and database, enabling pooling and sharing of connections from application clients rather than creating new ones for every query. This improves database efficiency and application scalability while also enhancing security by providing access through Identity and Access Management (IAM). Datadog's Amazon RDS Proxy integration and out-of-the-box dashboard provide visibility into client connections, query throughput, and other key metrics to help users troubleshoot connection errors, identify when to scale connections, and ensure optimal proxy performance and connection reusability.


Date published
May 31, 2022

Mahashree Rajendran

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.