
Scaling Self-Serve Analytics: The Tools Empowering 5,000 Employees

What's this blog post about?

At Datadog, Jean-Mathieu Saponaro and his teams have successfully scaled self-serve analytics up to 5,000 employees by building tools that empower all teams to make data-informed decisions. They achieved this through a single source of truth for internal data, intuitive tools, and support and training in data literacy. The three pillars of their strategy are data, tools, and knowledge. By understanding the needs of different user categories within the company, they were able to provide tailored solutions that enabled employees to leverage data without requiring assistance from a centralized team. They also acknowledged limitations of self-serve analytics and how to mitigate them while tracking success metrics for their strategy.


Date published
Dec. 21, 2023

Austin Lai, Jean-Mathieu Saponaro

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.