
Monitor highly regulated workloads with Datadog's FIPS-enabled Agent

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The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) has developed the Federal Information Protection Standard (FIPS), which outlines requirements for hardware and software components responsible for data encryption. This is crucial for organizations in regulated sectors like government and healthcare to protect sensitive information. Datadog, a monitoring service, recently released a FIPS-enabled Agent that automatically encrypts payloads using compliant cyphers before forwarding them to the platform. The FIPS-enabled Agent is FedRAMP Moderate-certified, ensuring secure monitoring of cloud infrastructure according to FIPS standards. This release aligns with Datadog's commitment to pursuing FedRAMP High authorization and maintaining environments compliant with NIST and FedRAMP standards.


Date published
Dec. 11, 2023

Geoffrey Carlisle

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.