
Expanded Datadog Lambda extension capabilities with the AWS Lambda Telemetry API

What's this blog post about?

In 2021, Datadog partnered with AWS to develop the Lambda extension, which simplifies and reduces costs for collecting traces, logs, custom metrics, and enhanced metrics from Lambda functions and submitting them to Datadog. With the release of the Lambda Telemetry API, the latest version of the Datadog Lambda extension now provides deeper visibility into the performance of your Lambda functions by visualizing the impact of cold starts with cold start trace spans and offering new enhanced metrics such as ResponseDuration, ResponseLatency, and ProducedBytes. These additional features complement existing monitoring capabilities and help users spot and troubleshoot Lambda function performance issues more effectively.


Date published
Nov. 10, 2022

Jordan Obey

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.