
The S3 to R2 Super Slurper is now Generally Available

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Cloudflare has announced the general availability of Super Slurper for one-time migration from S3 to their zero egress fee object storage platform, R2. The tool allows fast and reliable data transfer, with users reporting completion in less than half an hour for large migrations. Super Slurper also simplifies the process of copying objects and their associated metadata from S3 to R2 buckets. Additionally, Cloudflare is working on incremental migration capabilities that will allow files to be migrated from the origin bucket to R2 as they are requested, reducing egress fees over time.


Date published
May 16, 2023

Phillip Jones, Jérôme Schneider

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.