
Where to? Introducing Origin Rules

What's this blog post about?

Cloudflare has introduced a new product called "Origin Rules" that allows users to override the host header, Server Name Indication (SNI), destination port, and DNS resolution of matching HTTP requests. This feature is designed to provide more control over where traffic goes, when it gets there, and what it looks like when it arrives without requiring any code writing or maintenance. Origin Rules can be used for various scenarios such as routing different URLs to different origins, integrating with cloud storage endpoints, A/B testing different cloud providers, and adjusting destination port mappings. The feature is now available via API, Terraform, and the Cloudflare dashboard.


Date published
Sept. 27, 2022

Matt Bullock, Sam Marsh

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.