
Investing in security to protect data privacy

What's this blog post about?

Data protection laws are becoming more stringent globally, often including provisions that require certain types of data to be stored in a specific country or jurisdiction, known as "data localization" requirements. However, these rules can have unintended consequences for security and privacy. Cloudflare's global network enables it to securely transfer and process data across borders, enhancing its ability to provide robust security measures that protect users' personal information from a range of cyber threats. By supporting the cross-border flow of data, Cloudflare helps maintain the integrity and security of digital communication platforms, which is essential for privacy protection. In this article, we examine how Cloudflare's global network enhances its ability to provide robust security measures that protect users' personal information from a range of cyber threats. -----


Date published
Jan. 25, 2023

Emily Hancock, Alissa Starzak

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.