
How Kinsta used Workers and Workers KV to improve cache hit rates by 56%

What's this blog post about?

Kinsta, a hosting service provider, uses Google Cloud Platform's Premium Tier Network and C2 Machines to deliver content with speed and security. They also use Cloudflare Workers and Workers KV for optimized caching rules of static and dynamic content. In early 2023, they doubled down on using Cloudflare cache wrangling to make caches more responsive to client-side configuration changes while reducing backend work. They increased the share of cached customer data by 56.3% between October 2022 and March 2023. By leveraging Workers KV, they can programmatically customize every request and response with minimal effort and lower latency. They have also implemented a microcache strategy for Workers KV data to save on reading operations and improve performance.


Date published
June 21, 2023

Steven Bonisteel (Guest Author), Paulo Paracutu (Guest Author)

Word count

Hacker News points


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.