
Cloudflare Innovation Weeks 2021

What's this blog post about?

Cloudflare held seven Innovation Weeks in 2021, each focusing on different aspects of their business. Security Week featured foundational security announcements and partnerships aimed at building a more secure internet. Developer Week focused on making developers' lives easier with new features and tools. Impact Week highlighted the company's environmental, social, and governance initiatives. Speed Week showcased how Cloudflare is making the internet faster through performance enhancements and new features. Birthday Week celebrated the company's 11th anniversary with innovative product launches. Full Stack Week brought the vision of a full-stack application to life by providing developers with all necessary tools. Lastly, CIO Week demonstrated how Cloudflare One is helping Chief Information Officers transform their corporate networks and improve security.


Date published
Jan. 7, 2022

Reagan Russell, John Graham-Cumming, Val Vesa

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.