
Buildkite or Jenkins: Choosing the right tool for you

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The article discusses the comparison between Jenkins and Buildkite as CI/CD tools. While Jenkins has been a pioneer in this field with its unopinionated architecture, plugin ecosystem, and node management features, it has faced issues such as outdated UI, security vulnerabilities, and operational challenges. On the other hand, Buildkite offers a hybrid architecture that combines a centralized SaaS platform with self-hosted build agents, reducing the operational burden on users while maintaining control over sensitive data and infrastructure. Buildkite's pipeline configuration is simpler and more human-readable than Jenkins, using YAML syntax instead of Groovy. It also supports dynamic pipeline definitions at runtime. The plugin system in Buildkite is more decentralized and maintainable compared to Jenkins, with plugins written in Bash and loosely coupled with the Buildkite core. In conclusion, migrating from Jenkins to Buildkite can provide a more flexible, scalable, and secure build infrastructure for applications.


Date published
Aug. 2, 2023

Michael Belton

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.