
New Features on Percy Platform: Full page screenshot, QA workflow, and more!

What's this blog post about?

BrowserStack has released new features and capabilities for its visual testing platforms, Percy and App Percy. These updates include a feature improvement in QA workflow that allows developers to make approved snapshots as the baseline without needing to approve the entire build, enabling faster iteration cycles. Additionally, App Percy introduces code-based ignore regions with XPath support for dynamically ignoring elements on screens, reducing test flakiness and improving stability. The platform also offers full-page screenshot capabilities for native apps and seamless integration with XCUITest and Espresso frameworks for iOS and Android app testing respectively. These features aim to enhance visual testing efforts and ensure pixel-perfect applications across all platforms.


Date published
June 6, 2023

BrowserStack Team

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.