
Introducing Nightwatch v3—the only test automation framework you need

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Nightwatch v3 is a comprehensive test automation framework designed for web and native mobile applications. It focuses on three core pillars: developer experience, mobile-first, and one framework for everything testing. The new installation helper simplifies setup, while auto-wait feature reduces the need for explicit wait commands in test code. Nightwatch supports running tests in parallel and integrates with VS Code for seamless debugging. It also enables testing of native mobile applications, mobile web applications, and Safari on both desktop and mobile platforms. The framework is now up to 2.7x faster than Cypress when testing on multiple VMs. Upcoming features include improved developer experience, video recording, Selenium manager integration, online playground, and support for Svelte end-to-end and component testing.


Date published
July 4, 2023

Bharath Raja, Nimish Lalwani

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.