
Announcing General Availability of Test Observability

What's this blog post about?

BrowserStack Test Observability is now in General Availability, offering enhanced functionality and support for popular test frameworks such as WebdriverIO, Cypress & Playwright. The tool aims to speed up the end-to-end run verification process by automatically collecting, connecting, and comprehending test result data. It helps identify genuine test failures, debug fast without a context switch, and provides comprehensive reporting workflows. Test Observability is agnostic to your test platform and supports all test types. Additionally, it offers built-in QA metrics, custom alerts, and notifications for monitoring relevant metrics. The online sandbox allows users to try the tool easily, while integration with the SDK takes only 2 minutes.


Date published
Aug. 22, 2023

Rohan Arya

Word count

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.