
Top 5 Machine Learning Blogs to Follow

What's this blog post about?

AssemblyAI's team relies on various Machine Learning and Deep Learning research sources to improve their Speech-to-Text API. They have compiled a list of top five blogs they reference, including Distill, Machine Learning Mastery, ML CMU, Neptune Blog, and Hacker News. These blogs offer foundational content for beginners as well as advanced topics for experienced developers. Each blog has its unique focus: Distill uses interactive media to distill the latest findings in Machine Learning; Machine Learning Mastery offers practical articles aimed at developers with a series of eBooks and guides; ML CMU provides accessible content from Carnegie Mellon University's dedicated Machine Learning blog; Neptune Blog focuses on research and production teams running frequent experiments, offering insights into experiment tracking, model management, MLOps, tools, and more; Hacker News is a social news website with an abundance of user-generated or shareworthy Machine Learning content.


Date published
Oct. 26, 2021

Kelsey Foster

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.