
Claude 2.1 Now Available with LeMUR + New Integrations

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In this weekly update, users learn about Anthropic's Claude 2.1 model now available through LeMUR, offering reduced hallucinations, an expanded context window, and improved performance in citations. Additionally, the AssemblyAI Integration for Haystack is announced, allowing users to transcribe, summarize, or extract speakers from audio files. A new AssemblyAI integration for Semantic Kernel .NET is also highlighted, enabling users to utilize transcription models by integrating with TranscribePlugin. Furthermore, resources for building with AI Speech-to-Text are provided, including no-code and low-code ways, SRT file creation, key phrase detection in audio files, and tutorials on YouTube. The update also mentions the emergent abilities of LLMs and a Python tutorial on converting Hindi speech to text. Users can sign up for updates on new product features, tutorials, and blogs.


Date published
Jan. 19, 2024

Smitha Kolan

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.