
AssemblyAI at HackDuke and HackUMBC

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Over a weekend, AssemblyAI sponsored two annual hackathons at Duke University and the University of Maryland. The events saw over 350 participants who built more than 100 projects in under 36 hours. As a sponsor, AssemblyAI provided its Speech-to-Text API for students to use and supported asynchronous transcription and real-time streaming API. Three top projects using the AssemblyAI API were highlighted: YouTube Cleaner, Babel Fish, and AutoNote. These projects utilized Python, Flask Library, Google Translate, Deep-Translator, PyAudio PortAudio Library, TensorFlow, and Twilio's client library to create innovative applications for video editing, live audio translation, and lecture note generation.


Date published
Nov. 5, 2021

Britney Xiu

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.