
Open Source Data Platforms: From Handling VAT Repayments in Real-Time to Creating Europe’s Largest Virtual Hospital Ward

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The article discusses key takeaways from Aiven Live 2023, an event where industry influencers, technologists, strategists, developers, and end-users gathered to share knowledge about open source data platforms. Five main points were highlighted: the problem-solving approach in data platform management; how data platforms can drive innovation for end users; cloud view on collaboration with hyperscalers and ecosystems; developer's lens on accelerating Generative AI development; and an industry picture of a data-driven journey to better patient care. The article also mentions customer stories from companies such as Revenir, Hookdeck, Dojo, and Doccla, who shared their experiences with Aiven's open source data platforms.


Date published
Dec. 14, 2023

Florian Engel

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.