
Aiven DevDay: crowd source meets open source

What's this blog post about?

In April, Aiven held an internal hackathon during their company off-site event. The day began with a LEGO® icebreaker exercise designed to simulate software development and maintenance through building exercises. Participants were divided into teams of 4-5 people who had to build a cafe or house within specific requirements in 15 minutes. Afterward, teams swapped projects and continued building with modified requirements. The hackathon focused on making new connections and contributing to open source projects. A total of 57 net new PRs were merged, and numerous issues were created, considered, and closed. Some notable public projects that participated include Guardian for Apache Kafka, several Kafka connectors, Karapace, the Metadata Parser, Prometheus exporter plugin for OpenSearch, and Rohmu.


Date published
July 21, 2022

Floor Drees

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.