
The Drip | July 2022 Airbyte Product Updates

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In July, Airbyte celebrated its second birthday and made significant progress with connectors such as GitHub, Google Analytics, Instagram, TikTok Marketing, Bing Ads, and S3. The Octavia CLI saw improvements including the ability to set custom HTTP headers on requests, enable normalization or use custom DBT transformations within yaml configurations, and easily switch between different Airbyte instances. Additionally, Per-Stream State was released into OSS, allowing for future incremental sync capabilities. Open Telemetry Metrics were also added to Airbyte OSS, enabling the export of built-in metrics when using Airbyte at scale.


Date published
Aug. 17, 2022

Justin Chau

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.