
The Drip | December 2022 Airbyte Product Updates

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In December, Airbyte organized its first move(data) conference with over 3,300 attendees and 40 lightning talks from speakers across the data stack. The event's videos are now available online. Airbyte Cloud now supports custom connectors, allowing users to build their own connectors for unsupported data sources. Additionally, API calls can fully control Airbyte Cloud resources, enabling automation and integration with other systems. Airbyte OSS received an update that displays throughput and progress bars during syncs, making it easier to track sync status and understand how data is being transferred. The changelog includes new sources, promotions, features for existing connectors, UI updates, bug fixes, and breaking changes.


Date published
Jan. 6, 2023

Justin Chau

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.