
Replicate Postgres Datasets of Any Size in Airbyte

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Airbyte has made significant improvements to its Postgres database source connector, enhancing the experience of replicating data from Postgres. The new features include reliable large table initial snapshots, easy-to-use incremental updates using xmin, and unprecedented throughput. These enhancements ensure that syncs will always pick up where they left off in case of any failure, making the process more resilient against typical interruptions. Additionally, Airbyte has introduced checkpointing for all initial snapshots in Postgres databases and chunking database reads to reduce failures from network issues or strain on the database. The new xmin system column replication method is now recommended for replicating Postgres tables less than 500 GB in size where deletes don't need to be captured.


Date published
Aug. 22, 2023

Alex Cuoci

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.