
Introducing Certified & Community Connectors

What's this blog post about?

Airbyte, a data integration platform, is updating its connector classification system from Alpha/Beta/GA to Certified & Community. Starting September 18th, all connectors will be classified as either Certified or Community. A Certified connector is actively maintained and supported by Airbyte, while a Community connector is maintained by the Airbyte community until it becomes Certified. This change comes after achieving an average overall sync success rate of over 99% for all connectors. Additionally, Airbyte will be retiring its Free Connector Program, with current users having until September 18th to continue using free connectors before transitioning to standard pricing.


Date published
Aug. 17, 2023

Bridget McGillivray

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.