
Implementing a simple WebRTC signaling mechanism with FSharp, Fable, and Ably

What's this blog post about?

This article discusses the implementation of a signaling mechanism for WebRTC using Fable and Ably. WebRTC is a browser technology that allows exchanging data among N peers via either the UDP or TCP protocol, without a server in the middle except when Relay connection is used. The signaling process involves exchanging messages with SDP (Session Description Protocol) information. In this article, the author uses Ably's publish and subscribe functions to establish connections between peers. They also use the WebRTC-adapter library for browser compatibility assurance. The implementation includes handling different roles of sender and receiver, configuring callbacks for connection state changes and candidate exchange, and sending files via DataChannel. The conclusion emphasizes Ably's potential as a good out-of-the-box option for signaling in WebRTC applications.


Date published
April 14, 2021

MichaƂ Niegrzybowski

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.