
Empowering analysts with new data models for ad reporting

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Fivetran has released a major update to its Ad Reporting package, which includes six new data models for ad reporting aggregated on the most common granularities for ad-related metrics. The new models are designed to help marketing analysts view their data at various levels of granularity and hit the ground running with their reporting needs. Additionally, Fivetran has updated its data models for all ad sources aggregated in this rollup, added a brand new Apple Search Ads package release, and introduced passthrough metrics to allow users to extend the models to meet specific reporting requirements. The company also plans to add consistent testing across all packages that roll up to Ad Reporting and freshness testing to all platform packages.


Date published
Sept. 2, 2022

Sheri Nguyen

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None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.