
chDB joins the ClickHouse family

What's this blog post about?

Today, we are excited to announce that chDB, an embedded SQL OLAP engine powered by ClickHouse, is now part of ClickHouse. ChDB was created with the goal of using ClickHouse as an "out of the box" Python module and allows users to perform in-memory analysis of data from various formats and sources supported by ClickHouse. With chDB's creator and main contributor, Auxten, joining forces with us, we will focus on evolving chDB and integrating it more closely with the ClickHouse ecosystem. This collaboration will result in better performance, integration with more programming languages and data sources, and a seamless experience for users analyzing data locally or remotely.


Date published
March 6, 2024

Alexey Milovidov and Tanya Bragin

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.