
Streamkap: An out-of-the-box CDC solution for ClickHouse

What's this blog post about?

The StreamKap connector for ClickHouse is a powerful tool that enables real-time analytics on streaming data. It provides efficient ingestion of CDC events, supports transformations in the pipeline, and handles schema evolution automatically. This connector can significantly enhance your ability to analyze and gain insights from large volumes of semi-structured or structured data in real time. The performance tests show that the StreamKap ClickHouse destination connector scales well with increasing numbers of tasks, making it suitable for both backfill operations and streaming changes. The ability to handle schema evolution automatically is a significant advantage, as it saves developers from having to manually manage these changes. Overall, the StreamKap connector for ClickHouse offers an efficient and flexible solution for real-time analytics on streaming data. It can help businesses make more informed decisions by providing near-real-time insights into their data.


Date published
Feb. 22, 2024


Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.