
Your Ultimate Product-led Growth Stack Updated forĀ 2023

What's this blog post about?

A product-led growth (PLG) stack is a set of tools that help product managers streamline their work, improve efficiency and effectiveness. These stacks typically include user onboarding, in-product engagement, self-serve support, user feedback, product analytics, and A/B testing tools. In 2023, the ideal PLG stack has evolved with the emergence of new AI tools and increased competition among SaaS brands. Key components of a modern PLG stack include Chameleon for user onboarding, Pendo for advanced analytics, Olark for marketing automation, Intercom Fin for AI-powered chatbot support, Zendesk for omnichannel support, Stonly for hyper-tailored self-serve support, Survicate and Typeform for user feedback, MixPanel for product analytics, and Kameleoon for A/B testing.


Date published
May 30, 2023

Ella Webber

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.