
Solving the Long-Tail Integration Problem with an Open Platform Strategy: Meet the Open Authorization API (OAA)

What's this blog post about?

The text discusses the challenges and strategies for integrating authorization systems in various applications and platforms. It highlights that while authentication standards like SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect are widely adopted, authorization standards are still in their infancy due to the complexity of varying actions and objects involved. This makes it difficult to build standardized integrations across different systems. The author suggests focusing on the most important systems containing critical data such as customer or employee information. Veza's integration strategy involves building native integrations for larger, more complex systems with high demand and using Open Authorization API (OAA) for simpler ones or custom apps. OAA allows customers to build their own connectors, making it faster, free, and easy to integrate with the Veza platform. The text emphasizes the importance of openness in enterprise products and encourages customers to experiment and discover the power of visualizing and managing authorization across any system. It also mentions a growing community that taps into customer's brilliance for solving complex problems together.


Date published
April 26, 2022

Rich Dandliker

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.