
Netlify now online: the Netlify App for Slack is generally available

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Netlify has announced the general availability of its app for Slack. The app allows users to subscribe to notifications in Slack for better visibility into their teams and sites on Netlify, bringing relevant information directly to where they are working. With this integration, team owners can set up customizable notification workflows in Slack without needing to wrangle webhooks. This enables teams to monitor the health and security of their sites, collaborate on new site releases, track form submissions, and stay updated with Netlify product information. The app is now officially listed in the Slack app directory and can be connected by going to app.netlify.com > Team Settings > Notifications.


Date published
Dec. 4, 2023

Melanie Richards

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.