
Technical Debt: Why We Take It On and How We Pay It Off

What's this blog post about?

Technical debt is a metaphor for understanding the trade-offs made in software development that have long-term consequences, similar to financial debt. It can be well-structured and paid off reliably like a mortgage, but sometimes organizations unknowingly take on high-interest loans with no plan to pay them off. Technical debt is not inherently bad, as everything about software engineering involves trade-offs. However, it becomes dangerous when it's silent, unacknowledged, and there's no plan to pay it off. Accumulating and failing to service technical debt can lead to increased costs, stifled innovation, and elevated security risks. Technical debt management requires a multi-pronged approach involving leadership, programmers, and development teams working together to prioritize time for debt paydown, document decisions and trade-offs, and establish guidelines and habits to reduce the system's risk of implosion.


Date published
Oct. 4, 2022

Heidi Waterhouse

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.