
Autodesk Used to Only Release Mobile Features Every 6-8 Weeks. Now, It's Every Week

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Autodesk, a global software leader, has increased its mobile app release velocity by 500% using LaunchDarkly. Previously, they released entire apps to all users at once, but now progressively deliver specific features to specific audiences. This approach minimizes customer-impacting software problems and ships valuable features to customers faster. By leveraging feature flags, Autodesk can decouple feature releases from app releases to the app store, allowing them to do more thorough testing and mitigate risk. The control LaunchDarkly provides has enabled Autodesk's mobile developers to release every 1-2 weeks, a 500% increase in release frequency.


Date published
Jan. 24, 2024

Allison Rogers

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.