
Helm Chart Support Comes to the Relay Proxy

What's this blog post about?

LaunchDarkly's Relay Proxy can address common scenarios faced by development teams such as increased load and high contention in Redis metrics, sudden changes in user groups, and urgent production alerts. The process of integrating the Relay Proxy into infrastructure has been simplified with the release of a Helm Chart for Kubernetes-based deployments. This package manager for Kubernetes allows users to define, install, and upgrade complex applications. Deploying the Relay Proxy can help reduce manual configuration efforts and improve efficiency in handling flag updates. The Relay Proxy chart offers various control options such as scaling and all Relay Proxy configuration settings.


Date published
Oct. 27, 2022

Matthew Keeler

Word count

Hacker News points
None found.


By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.